Junk Removal in Fontana
We serve zip codes 92334, 92335, 92336, 92337.
Attention Fontana residents! We love to haul your junk away and offer professional junk removal services to clear up your clutter. Fontana residents, did you know you can get your junk, trash, and debris cleaned out with just a simple phone call to Clark’s Hauling (licensed and insured) at 951-830-1916 ? Whether you have trash piling up on the side of your house, or a room that needs to be cleaned up, our courteous, background-checked staff will efficiently haul your junk to the dump for a very reasonable price. As a small business, Cornelius Clark, our owner, is present at every job in Fontana to supervise the crew of up to two carefully screened workers. Cornelius will make sure your property is respected, and is always available throughout the job to hear your questions or concerns.
The items we can pick up and haul away for you include, but is not limited to: